Former Daytime Hotel Cobianchi - Milano

Piazza Duomo, 19/a angolo via Silvio Pellico -20121 Milano

Space Ex Cobianchi - Piazza Duomo , 19/a at the corner with Via Silvio Pellico 20121 Milano –
Line MM1: Duomo - MM3: Duomo - Tram : 2-3-12-14-16-24-27 - Bus: 54-199-200 - Phone: 02.7740.4343 - Fax: 02.7740.4333
Hours : Monday-Saturday 8:45 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00 - Sunday and Holidays. 9.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00

Province of Milan

Restoration of Underground rooms

The project involved the restoration of the basement areas owned by the Municipality of Milan, near Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, located below via Silvio Pellico and via Carlo Cattaneo. The place is known as the “Former Daytime Hotel Cobianchi”.
The renovation initially involved static recovery of the road of Via Pellico, with the reconstruction in gray Trentino porphyry of the road finishing. Afterwards, the historical part was restored, from the red Verona marble entrance on Piazza del Duomo to the furniture and wood paneling of the adjacent rooms, which reflected the liberty style of the early XX century. During excavations for the structural reinforcement of the foundations several archaeological artefacts were discovered: they were later restored and protected under glass cases, so to make them visible for visitors.
In correspondence to the new tunnel entrance from Via Grossi, a Biancone marble fountain was built, recalling the original stone shades.
The restoration did not change the original image of the spaces, although all the necessary measures to deal with the new destination of use - the new headquarters of the Tourist Information Office in Milan – were taken.

By Società Cooperativa di Costruzioni Lavoranti Muratori p.A.
Photographs: Società Cooperativa di Costruzioni Lavoranti Muratori p.A