May 2014

The appointment with “Milan in Its Art Yards” is here again : 6 days of conferences and guided tours to the restoration works carried out in our district.

“Milan in Its Art Yards” continues with its yearly meetings on building restoration, and proceeds with the debate opened on XIX and XX century architecture showing the most significant interventions on buildings of this period. A particular attention will be paid to the historical heritage of XX century, and it will be the occasion to deepen some essential issues in modern architecture such as  the compatibility of renovation with alternative  energy and with energy efficiency. The initiative will also stress practical problems encountered during restoration operations carried out on important historical buildings: from the Church in Bollate by Mangiarotti and Morassuti, to Casa Rustici by Terragni, facing modern themes such as the project  for a  Shoah Museum in Milan.

For the detailed programme and for info on credits and bookings, please refer to the single event page.

Places are very limited /Booking is mandatory

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  • Wednesday 28 may 2014

    Architetti del Novecento e le loro architetture in restauro

    Where: Camera di Commercio di Milano | via Meravigli, 9/b - Milano
    When: 14.30
    Type: Convegno

    See full programme and subscribe »

  • Thursday 29 may 2014

    Il restauro conservativo delle coperture

    Where: Palazzo Giureconsulti | Piazza Mercanti, 2 - Milano
    When: 9.30
    Type: Convegno

    See full programme and subscribe »

  • Il Memoriale della Shoah di Milano

    Where: Memoriale della Shoah di Milano | Piazza Edmond J. Safra, 1 - Milano
    When: 16.00
    Type: Workshop + percorso guidato

    See full programme and subscribe »

  • Tuesday 3 june 2014

    Il restauro delle chiese dell'800 e del '900 a Milano e nella sua provincia

    Where: Assimpredil Ance | Via San Maurilio, 21 - Milano
    When: 9.30
    Type: Convegno

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  • Wednesday 4 june 2014

    Recupero ed efficientamento energetico: un binomio possibile?

    Where: Assimpredil Ance | Via San Maurilio, 21 - Milano
    When: 9.30
    Type: Convegno

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  • Friday 6 june 2014

    Acquario civico di Milano

    Where: Acquario civico di Milano
    When: 10.00
    Type: Visita guidata

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  • Chiesa di Nostra Signora della Misericordia di Baranzate

    Where: Chiesa di Nostra Signora della Misericordia | Via Conciliazione, 22 - Baranzate
    When: 15.30
    Type: Visita guidata

    See full programme and subscribe »

  • Saturday 7 june 2014

    Museo del Duomo di Milano

    Where: Museo del Duomo | Piazza Duomo, 12 - Milano
    When: 10.00
    Type: Visita guidata

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