July 2014

The appointment with “Monza in Its Art Yards” is here again: the edition of “Milan in Its Art Yards”  dedicated to the restoration of listed historical buildings in the provinces of Monza and Brianza.

Assimpredil Ance, thanks to the collaboration with Monza Chamber of Commerce, has coordinated the new edition of “Monza in Its Art Yards”, focusing on the buildings under renovation identified during the first phase of the activities carried out by the Advanced Cultural District of Monza and Brianza. In particular, the following projects  and job sites have been introduced:  the former riding stables of Palazzo Arese Borromeo at  Cesano Maderno, the former spinning mill at Sulbiate, the architectural complex of Castello da Corte at Bellusco and the one of Ca’ dei Bossi at Biassono. The guided tour to the hunting lodge of Villa Borromeo at Oreno di Vimercate is instead part of the event  “Sleeping in the Villa”, promoted by Monza Chamber of Commerce and aiming at renovating some historical dwellings in the district of Brianza in view of Expo 2015.

For the detailed programme and for info on education credits and bookings, please refer to the notes of each single event

Booking is mandatory – Places are very limited

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