Church of Mater Misericordiae at Baranzate (MI)

Via Conciliazione 24 20021 Baranzate (MI)

Phone 02 3560666

Restoration Project and Adaptation

The restoration project of the Church of Nostra Signora della Misericordia at Baranzate had the purpose of restoring the original appearance of the architectural complex, adapting it to the comfort and use requirements. It refers to the building opened on November 7, 1958 and to its project developed in 1956-1957 by Angelo Mangiarotti and Bruno Morassutti with the collaboration of Aldo Favini for structures. The project archietecture implies an interpretation of "restoration" where the renovation of the building raises the question of the distinction of the parties, of the explanation of "added " and "original." The same authors have clearly identified the new components, detaching them from their original context for position and characteristics, as it had already been done for the bell tower in 1985. The project identifies the masonry and the façade diaphragm as a place for new installations and new construction elements. It also gets the space in the boundary between inner and outer places, in material layers, highlighting the difference between old and new in a project that is fully based on the difference “between” the material “inside” the building.

Photos by
SGB Architetti Milano

Nostra Signora della Misericordia di Baranzate- Storia