Church of Sant’Agnese Vergine e Martire [Virgin and Martyr]

Via Arsia 3 20157  Milano

Mass Times: Sunday and holidays: 9.00/10.30/18.00
Phone: 02 3555058

Conservative restoration of the wall paintings on the façade of the Church of Sant’Agnese at Quarto Oggiaro (Milan).

The fresco, painted by Nicola Neonato in 1955, develops vertically on the façade, for more than 110 sq/m; it is divided into a series of panels, which punctuate the scenes of Sant’ Agnese’s life, to whom the Church is dedicated. The painting is best preserved in the upper portion, which is protected from weathering, while the lower portion is showing rising of soluble salts, caused by the rainwaters and subsequent absorption, with consequent lifting of plaster layers and paint film loss. The conservative restoration essentially provided a phase of consolidation both of plasters and paint films, followed by the cleaning of the entire surface, by the integration of the gaps and finally by the application of a water-repellent protector.

By Gaetano Arricobene