Monument to Giuseppe Verdi

Piazza Michelangelo Buonarroti, 20145 Milano

click on the map to view Monument to Giuseppe Verdi

As part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy – within the framework of the project "The Memory Places", on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - between June and September 2011, Cooperativa per il Restauro carried out the conservative restoration of the memorial dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi, artwork realized by Enrico Butti and inaugurted on 10 October 1913.
The intervention included the bronze sculptures and the stone base.
The monument, located in Milan, in Piazza M. Buonarroti, is situated in a particularly traffic congested point of the city; the consumption of the protective coatings applied during the previous maintenance interventions, led to the direct exposure of the surfaces to weathering and pollutants, thus helping to accelerate degradation.

By Raffaella Silari - Restorer , Cooperativa per il Restauro
Simonetta Offredi - Restorer , Technical Director of Cooperativa per il Restauro
Photographs: Cooperativa per il Restauro Archives
Photographer: Mauro Ranzani