Oratory of Sant’Ambrogio ad Nemus - Milan

Via Peschiera 6 20154 Milano

Visits / Mass: Sunday 11:00 am
Phone 02.342375
Mail: direzione@donguanellamilano.com

Conservative restoration and consolidation of wooden and masonry structures of the Oratory of Sant’Ambrogio ad Nemus

The restoration works involved:
-          the conservative and artistic restoration of the nave which brought to light the architectural and decorative solutions adopted at the end of XIX century by the architect Ulisse Stacchini, of considerable interest for the original Liberty design;
-          the consolidation of the wooden structure of the roof, of the attic and of the wattle-and-daub false ceiling;
-          the consolidation of masonry structures relating to the closing wall of the nave in correspondence of the triumphal arch thanks to the careful use of traditional techniques and high-performance innovative materials to respect the historical  characteristics of the building;
-          the conservative restoration of the main façade and of the left side one;
-          the conservative and artistic restoration of the painted and decorated side chapels and presbytery.

By  Patrizia Barucco
Photographs: “Casa Beato Luigi Guanella” Archives

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