Turati Palace in Milan

Via Meravigli 9/B 201 23 Milano

Centralino Tel. 02 85151
web: www.mi.camcom.it
Lunedì - giovedì: 9.00 | 13.00
Venerdì: 9.00 | 12.30

Conservative restoration and cleaning of the façade on via Meravigli

Main restoration phases:

  1. Preparation of construction site and scaffolding;
  2. Preventive treatment by cleaning and removal of organic deposits on the walls by means of biocidal products;
  3. Analytical tests and photographic survey;
  4. Treatment of limestone carved surfaces (cleaning, consolidation, grouting and protection of previously cleaned surfaces);
  5. Treatment of not carved limestone surfaces or silicate stone (cleaning, consolidation, grouting and protection of previously cleaned surfaces);
  6. Restoration of external doors and windows.

By George Maini
Photographs: I.C.G. Ltd. Archives

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