Former Church of San Carpoforo in Milan

Via Formentini, 10 20121 Milano

Tube stop: Lanza - MM2 (Green Line)
Bus: 3, 12, 14, 61


Recovery of the wooden roof

The complete lack of radical conservative interventions during the years for the functional recovery of the building resulted in a significant degradation particularly affecting the wooden roof and its curved tiles due to infiltrations of rainwater.
Situation progressively worsened to such an extent that on February 1999 the building was condemned due to the evident risk of structural failure of the wooden trusses of the roof.The technical department of the Municipality of Milan reacted immediately with the preparation of a restoration project, aimed at securing the entire roof. These works were therefore essential in order to avoid the risk of dangerous structural failure of the roof that could result in irreparable damages to the underlying cotto vaults and arches.

By Ambrogio Carenzi