Visconti-Sforza Castle of Vigevano (PV)

Piazza Ducale, 1 27029 Vigevano (PV)

Infopoint Castello
Tel. 0381 691636
Mobile 347 4238848

Recovery, reutilization and refurbishment of the first and second stable of the castle of Vigevano for the allocation of the International Museum of Footwear "P. Bertolini" and the Civic Art Gallery

Recovery, reutilization and refurbishment of the first and second stable of the castle of Vigevano for the allocation of the International Museum of Footwear "P. Bertolini" and the Civic Art Gallery.
The project is the result of an agreement signed in 1999 by the State Agencies, the Region, the Municipality and the NGO "Project Agenda - Onlus", created by the actors  of civil society with the aim of encouraging the recovery and revitalization of the castle of Vigevano within a general framework for the recovery and revitalization of the castle. The areas which are involved are: the first floor of the stables of Ludovico il Moro (or First Stable), the first floor of the Seconda Scuderia (Second Stable); the relevant groups of stairs. There you can find: The International Museum of Footwear "P. Bertolini, the CivicArt Gallery, offices and ancillary rooms of the two structures.
The existing organization of the environment has been fully maintained, based on an enfilade of rooms with central passage, made over two long rooms (the real stables ) with a triple nave system splitted by gneiss columns. The whole compound, built in 1492, and almost certainly in the first stable and designed by Bramante, suffered from serious structural problems that had to be resolved before to allow accommodation of the spaces.

By Flavio Conti