Church of St. Maria Maddalena in Camuzzago-Bellusco (MB)

Strada per Camuzzago, Cascina Camuzzago 20040 Bellusco (MB)

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Church of St. Maria Maddalena in Camuzzago-Bellusco (MB)

Restoration and conservation

The project was carried out in several stages, namely:

- study of the building (evaluations, historical researches, diagnostic testing, direct observation); -  data processing; -  definition of design criteria; -  identification of interventions and description of the operating procedures.
The design project faced the restoration of the interior painted surfaces; the preservation of coatings on the external fronts; the restoration of masonry; the functional adaptation of floors, vertical links, windows and doors; the elimination of architectural barriers and the insertion of installations.
The aim was to implement a process of conservation able to include a compatible use of the building, in order to spread the idea that the asset is an historical document, and to start a practice of constant care. 

By Rossella Moioli