Area of the Abbey of Saints Pietro and Paolo in Viboldone (MI)

Via dell’Abbazia, 6 20098  San Giuliano Milanese (MI)

Opening hours:
5.30 to 12.30 / 14.30 to 18.30
Working days 8.00; non working days 10.00

Restoration interventions

The interventions entailed the static verification and the structural consolidation of the main wooden warping of the roof of the central nave of the abbey. For what the building called "House of the Prior" is concerned preliminary investigations were carried out in order to obtain a complete picture of the state of deterioration and of its structural characteristics, as well as geotechnical evaluations on the characteristics of the soil. From a static point of view, a reinforcing of all of the pre-existing foundations was necessary to increase the contact area and reduce the unit load. All the slabs between the floors have been consolidated and connected to the castings in lightened concrete.

Areas of intervention 

Abbey of Saints Pietro and Paolo in Viboldone (MI) >>

Ancient House or House of the Prior  >>