Abbey of Saints Pietro and Paolo in Viboldone (MI)

Via dell’Abbazia, 6 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI)

Opening hours:
5.30 to 12.30 / 14.30 to 18.30
Working days 8.00 am; non working days 10.00 am

Restoration of the wooden parts of the roof and of the bell tower

The interventions entailed the static verification and the structural consolidation of the main wooden warping of the roof of the central nave of the abbey, as well as the consolidation of the secondary structure of the wooden deck and stairs in the bell tower. In order to allow a proper evaluation of the state of conservation of wooden artworks of the roof trusses, and in order to define the most appropriate strategy, two different diagnostic instrumental surveys, both non-destructive, were carried out for the evaluation of the mechanical properties and the possible deterioration due to biological (insects, fungi) and non-organic attacks (fire, excessive load, etc..).

By Giacomo Bossi

See also

Covers  >>

Bell Tower  >>