Thermohygrometric evaluations at the church of St. Alberto in Caselle di Morimondo (MI), commissioned by the Parish of St. Siro in Ozzero, began on July 6th, 2007. The purpose of these diagnostic tests was to measure the hygrothermal conditions of the walls, affected by degradation phenomena due to the water change of state from liquid to vapor and vice versa. A microclimatic monitoring was carried out as well to complete the analysis of the masonry. The investigations aimed to check the status of absorption of the surfaces inside the church, to identify any area affected by infiltration; to measure the water content both on the surface and in the wall sections; to locate pathways of water, and to control the microclimate. Inspections of all areas of the church, inside and outside, were carried out, using infrared thermography, to build a map of the thermal anomalies, showing the presence of moisture and, on this basis, proceed with gravimetric tests.
By Elisabetta Rosina