Church of St. Antonio Abate (Abbot) in Milan

Via Sant’Antonio, 5 20122 Milano

March-October, from Monday till Saturday 10.00-18.00
November-February, from Monday till Saturday 10.00-14.00

Restoration and preservation of vault frescoes and decorations

The vault decorations show the great frescoes painted by the brothers Giovanni and Giovanni Battista Carlone (1631-32) telling The Story of the Cross, as well as those created by Moncalvo, Tanzio da Varallo and by Salmeggia. Paintings are framed by stucco decorations, probably attributed to Antonio Sala from Intelvi (the same decorations can be found in Saronno Shrine).
The chapels, excepted for the first two ones at the entrance, are almost completely covered with fine stone coverings and paintings, some of  which by unknowns painters, and others by Filippo Abbiati,  by Malosso, by Giovannibattista Crespi known as “il Cerano”, by Alessandro Vaiani, known as “il Fiorentino” and by Giulio Cesare Procaccini.
All surfaces have been gradually cleaned up - first brushed, then sponged with water and specific cleansers and finally steam cleaned – in order to remove dust, as well as carbon black, deposits and salts due to previous infiltrations.

By Sonia Sgancerla

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