Villa Sottocasa at Vimercate (MB)

Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 53 20871 Vimercate (MB)

Museum of Vimercate district

Tel. 039 6659488


Restoration and renovation of Villa Sottocasa – Southern wing

The restoration of the Southern wing of Villa Sottocasa was carried out in two different phases: the first one regarding the Cappuccina Vecchia and the second one the Cappuccina Nuova. It is considered anyhow as a single intervention because only at the end of the second phase the building was opened to the public as Museum of Vimercate district (MUST).
During the first phase, the edifice was adapted to host the offices of the Culture Department of the Municipality of Abbiategrasso, as well as to accommodate the caretaker’s private dwelling. The second phase saw the complete renovation of all spaces designed to become exhibit halls.
The restoration of the whole architectural complex included the following works: structural upgrading, updating of technical installations, humidity recovery, surfaces preservation (floors, plasters, wooden attics, doors and windows and decorations).

By Rossella Moioli

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