Church of St. Nicolao in Milan

Via San Nicolao 20123 Milano

Visits: every day, from early morning till 05:00 pm.
Mass: on Saturdays at 12:00 am

Renovation of the Church of St. Nicolao in Milan: preservation of internal and external surfaces

The preservation works took into consideration  all the different historical stages that characterized the history of the church in order to preserve the most ancient parts hidden under the plaster after a very bad maintenance intervention carried out in the 60’s and 70’s.
The restoration revealed decorations with wall paintings dating back to the enlargement  of the church designed by Girolamo Quadrio (middle of XVII century) (1). Lattuada  describes the church, dedicated to St. Nicola from Bari,  and testifies to its “very simple” appearance before the extreme internal transformations of 1659 (2).
The studies and the preservation procedures have interested  all the internal and external surfaces of the church:  stone and artificial elements, mural paintings, the XVII century façade and the side of the church, on Via San Nicolao, coming from Corso Magenta.

(1) Serviliano Lattuada, Description of Milan, Tomo Quarto, No. 166, San Niccola, Parrocchia. La Vita Felice, Page 373

(2) Serviliano Lattuada, Description of Milan (see above) Page 373

By Mario Colella
Pictures: Colella Restauri Studio

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