Barni Palace in Lodi

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 17 26900 Lodi

Phone 0371 442711

The monumental entrance portal of Barni Palace in Lodi

The monumental entrance portal of Barni Palace consists of a couple of ionic marble columns over moulded plinths with rear pilasters from which a rounded arch spreads out. Over the capitals two shelves decorated with leaves of acanthus,  support the balcony at the first floor.
In the pilasters and in the arch, some yellow and black marble round elements are inserted. All portal marbles were in a very bad state. The stones showed concrete reconstructions, half detached marble inlays and poor or not cohesive sealings.
Particularly the edges of the cornices and of the pilasters, as well the torus of the pillar base, showed serious  breakings sometimes rebuilt in the past with concrete mixtures not suitable both from an esthetic and a functional point of view. Accessible parts revealed many ancient historic  engravings, and, unfortunately,  also unpleasant varnish and marker pen scribbles.
All stone surfaces required  major and accurate cleaning up and consolidation works.

By Giovanna Venzano and Alda Traversi