Cattaneo Palace in Milan

Via della Moscova, 19 – Milano – 20121

Restoration of the façades

The aim of the project was the restoration of Cattaneo Palace façade, currently hosting the headquarters of the Carabinieri station of via Moscova in Milan. The building is located in the center of the capital of Lombardy and shows a court plan with two street fronts. The supporting structure consists of solid brick masonry placed on continuous foundations always made of bricks.
The façade restoration was developed on the basis of a detailed analysis process requiring surveys and mineralogical and stratigraphic evaluations to check the material consistency and the state of conservation of the surface layers.
The results revealed the presence of deteriorated plaster portions, of concrete patching incompatible with the rest of the surfaces, and  of various types of deposits more or less coherent, besides a diffuse presence of soluble salts.
Although in the beginning more invasive operations on the surface were suggested, thanks also to the contractors’ experience, the restoration was rather more accurate, with the removal and reconstruction of the plaster only where strictly necessary and with the cleaning and consolidation of the plaster portions still in a good condition.

By Alessandra Chiapparini

Photographs: IMG Srl Archives