Sforza Castle in Milan

Piazza Castello 20121 Milano

Opening hours (Mon-Sun):
07.00/18.00 (winter time)
07.00/19.00 (summer time)
Free admission (excluding the Castle Museum)
Phone 02 88463700


Projects and restoration

The Municipality of Milan intends to promote the castle buildings complex in view of Expo 2015, improving the distribution of the museum exhibits, and its aesthetical accessibility and usability.
Several projects - listed below - have been executed in this sense: restoration of the façades of the Ducal court, of Rocchetta courtyard, of the Southern curtain, and review of the coverage of the Ducal court; restoration of façades and exterior spaces of the former Hospital (Curtain of Santo Spirito Spirit) and re-roofing; preservation and reutilization of the rooms of the Ancient Hospital; recovery and reutilization of Rivellino of Santo Spirito. As far as the Covered Road of Ghirlanda is concerned, the overlooking on the park from the locations on the inner moat, made invisible by the rubble and aggregates that filled the driveway and paths, was restored. Fragments of the original pavement and the lock of one of the canals that brought water to the inner moat in one were discovered, a finding that helps to increase the charm of the place and demonstrates the work done through this careful restoration.

Areas of intervention

Preliminary Project of the Ducal Court and Rocchetta courtyard  >>

Preliminary project of the former Hospital - Exterior >>

Preliminary project of the former Hospital - Interior  >>

Preliminary project of Rivellino of Santo Spirito  >>

Restoration of the Covered Road of Ghirlanda  >>