Restoration of masonry in Visconti Castle in Abbiategrasso (MI)

Piazza Castello 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI)

Opening hours:
Every day 09:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 7:00 pm
Wed / Sat from 14.00 to 19.00 pm
Phone 02 94692453 (Office of Culture)
Phone 02 94692464 (Pro Loco)

Restoration of masonry

The intervention involved the consolidation of masonry and the elimination of humidity in the inner and in the perimetral walls. These basic operations were carried out: removal of degraded mortar; washing of the masonry using pressurized water; rebuilding of joint; construction of an horizontal barrier for the rising damp; plasters removal; new plastering with premixed plaster mortar; drying; anti-salt treatment of the walls.

By Giorgio Mainini

See also

Visconti Castle >>

Completion of the restoration of Visconti Castle and upgrading of adjacent areas >>