Unfinished building - Cloister, Chiesa Rossa

Accessi: Via Chiesa Rossa, Via San Domenico Savio, Via Cassoni - 20142 Milano

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Unfinished building - Cloister, Chiesa Rossa

Restoration and redevelopment of Cascine Chiesa Rossa (Farms of the Red Church) area

The interventions involved the restoration and upgrading of the Cascine Chiesa Rossa area, and, in particular, the recovery of the cloister consisting of a colonnade with tile roof. The vertical structures were pillars made of solid bricks and the consolidation was obtained  by bag filling. Next to to the cloister a small degraded building modified in the sixties had to be recuperated as well both internally and externally. Green areas were redeveloped, with new paths inside the park; ​​ street furniture and  public lighting were installed,  such as playground for children. The importance of static and functional recovery of ancient artworks is mainly due to the need of rebuilding their initial function using the original materials as much as possible.

By Giorgio Mainini

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See also

Chiesa Rossa >>
Church of Santa Maria della Fonte >>
Unfinished building - Library >>