Rivellino (Independent fortress) of Santo Spirito, Sforza Caste in Milan

Piazza Castello 20121 Milano

Opening hours (Mon-Sun): 07.00/18.00 (winter time) 07.00/19.00 (summer time). Free admission (excluding the Castle Museum)

Phone: 02 88463700 www.milanocastello.it

Recovery and reutilizatin of Rivellino of Santo Spirito

The great ruin defending the entrance of the castle curtain of Santo Spirito, towards Cadorna area, can become the new access to the various levels of the castle, to the floor of the courtyard of Arms, or to the Covered Road of Ghirlanda or the one of the Merlate (castellated walls). The new entrance will be equipped with modern stairs and lifts to improve accessibility. Additional installations to be placed for the enhancement of the property along with the finishes of the equipment still have to be decided following the project made by architects De Lucchi - Chipperfield. The new elements will be in any case different with respect to the rivellino which will be the main subject of restoration.

By Carlo Catacchio

See also

Sforza Castle >>

Ducal court and Rocchetta courtyard >>

Former Hospital - Exterior >>

Former Hospital - Interior >>

Covered road of Ghirlanda  >>