“Ducal” and “Rocchetta” courtyards, Sforza Castle, in Milan

Piazza Castello 20121 Milano

Opening hours (Mon-Sun):
07.00/18.00 (winter time) 07.00/19.00 (summer time)
Free admission (excluding the Castle Museum)
Phone: 02 88463700

Preliminary project for the restoration of the façades of the Ducal court, courtyard of Rocchetta, Southern curtain, and review of the coverage of the Ducal court

The use for centuries of the rooms on the ground floor as stables entailed the retention of salts and moisture in the walls, which was very high in the stands, in the Ducal coourt, and along the Rocha side towards the courtyard of Arms. The moisture caused the almost complete loss of the plaster in the baseboards.
After the war, funds and sails have been evened out with modern plaster acting as neutral backgrounds, covering also some decorations that still exist in the porch of Rocchetta. The project aims to consolidate and clean the plasters of fifteenth and sixteenth century, bringing to light the covered decorations; to veil the prospects, and to repair the gaps that convey the deteriorating factors; to recondition from rising moisture and salts the portions of the affected walls. To make interventions effective it is necessary to repair the roofing whose discontinuity cause drippings on façades.

By  Carlo Catacchio

See also

Sforza Castle  >>
Former Hospital - Exterior  >>
Former Hospital - Interior  >>
Rivellino of Santo Spirito >>
Covered Road of Ghirlanda  >>


Strada coperta della Ghirlanda >>