Hall of the Column , Former Monastery of St. Maria Bianca della Misericordia (MI)

Piazza San Materno, 15 20131 Milano


Frescoes in the hall of the column, Former Monastery of Santa Maria Bianca della Misericordia 

Conservative restoration of plasters and frescoes in the “Hall of the Column”

Identified by some sources as the probable Chapter House of the monastery, or even the original place used by the noble Tanzi as his private chapel, the "Hall of the Column" is certainly one of the most important rooms of the ancient monastery. Its special location, within the building, and its original conformation, so rich in significant elements, have also influenced its use. The main entrance is today marked by a XVI century stone portal carrying on the architrave an inscription by St. Carlo Borromeo reminding the predilection he had for this monastery.

By Francesco Tandoi

See also

Former Monastery of St. Maria Bianca della Misericordia  >>

Restoration of façades >>