Church of St Fedele in Milan

Piazza San Fedele, 4 20121 Milano

Masses: Working days, 07:50 hrs / 12:45 / 18:30. 
Saturday evening 18:30. Sunday 11:00 / 19:00

Info: Tel and fax: 02 86 352 215- mail:

Preservation and restoration of the Church of St Fedele in Milan

The construction of the Church of San Fedele began in 1569, following Pellegrini’s design and continued under the direction of Martino Bassi first and then of Francesco Maria Ricchino. The building has a single nave divided into two spans with vaulted cup resting on giant columns. The arches of the chapels are inserted between them. The overall project involved the restoration and conservative consolidation of the church: mainly the consolidation of stone surfaces, the restoration of the plaster, the verification of all structures of the shell, the adaptation of technological installations, as well as the recuperation of the distinctness of the environment, which was re-balanced through the removal of the elements that affected the proper preservation and the a positive balance of the various architectural, decorative and pictorial elements.

By Roberto Spreafico