Opening hours: Tuesday 10.30 to 12.30, Friday 15.30 to 17.30, Sunday 10:30 to 12:30
Info: Phone 02. 36508491
The complex restoration and preservation works of the church of San Bernardino alle Monache in Milano (fifteenth century) has been completed. The interventions involved all the internal and external surfaces of the historical building and ended with the vaults surfaces of the nave. All the operations aimed at first at studying all levels of the building, and at recovering what had been preserved, but was hidden under dirty, awkward paintings of the fifties and recent cement plasters. The fragments of fresco paintings that emerged during the works, nourish the surviving triumphal arch depicting the Annunciation and the Lord on the top, and the Nativity and the Escape to Egypt at the bottom and at the sides. Speaking about this fresco representation, Mazzini, in the sixties, emphasizes the rigor of the pyramidal and tripartite elements invention, which, together with the design and structure of the core group of people, resembles the work of Bramantino’s. The plaster on the left wall in the second span is cut from the canvas on panels supporting the torn painting which was transported in 1963 by Guido Fiume. The painting depicts Madonna and Child with St. Agnes, "... the importance of the background perspective referring to the language of Bernardo Zenale ...".
By Mario Colella
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