The art yards are back: 4 days of conferences and guided tours to the restoration works carried out in our district.
“Milan in Its Art Yards” continues with its yearly meetings on building restoration, and proceeds with the debate opened on XIX and XX century architecture introducing the most significant job sites of this period. The opening convention will be dedicated to the great architects of the XX century who worked in Milan - Franco Albini, Ulisse Stacchini, Alberto Fava, Alberto Burri and Giovanni Muzio to name but a few - and space will be given to the experts and to the the Companies which have contributed to the renovation and restoration of their artworks.
The second appointment will analyze the theme of consolidation of the the Milanese historical stone floors, putting in relief some examples of restoration works and technical reports carried out by experts who have worked on listed surfaces such as the cobblestones of Piazza Orsini, Piazza del Duomo, Piazza Pio XI and Piazza Sant’Ambrogio. Guided tours and thematic workshop will follow.