Chapter House, Sant'Eustorgio’s Cathedral

Piazza Sant’Eustorgio,1 20123 Milano

Opening hours:
10:00 to 18:00 (closed on Mondays)
phone 02 58101583

Restoration of the Chapter House and the Cloister wing

The stratigraphic evaluations, carried out on the vaults of the Chapter House, allowed to detect the presence of a homogeneous plaster, under layers of lighter plasters that were applied over the centuries, depending on the different functions performed by the House. The planks grafted under the arches were demolished freeing the granite columns supporting the vaulted ceilings of the House: the original spaces of the Chapter House of the Dominican convent were thus recovered . The restoration of the walls revealed, in the eastern wing masonry, the presence of a terracotta frame with mouldings and plate marks which later proved to be part of a pair of windows whose existence was not known.

By Mariacristina Sironi

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