Opening hours:
09:00 to 12:00 / 15:00 to 18:30
Working days: 18:00
non working days: 11:00 and 18:00
Phone 02 48951413
The church consists of three buildings of different ages: a rectangular apse supposed to be built in the XII-XIII century to which the sacristy and the Ducal Chapel - dedicated to St Giacomo, Cristoforo and Cristina - were added at the beginning of XV century, and a charnel house built behind the octagonal sacristy in the first half of the seventeenth century.
The restoration project included the redevelopment and upgrading of the building in compliance with its architectural, historical and cultural characteristics. In particular, it aimed at remedying a serious degradation caused by rising damp from seeping rainwater and by an obsolete air heating system. The remediation from moisture was achieved thanks to the creation of a hornet's nest and cavity drainage along the perimeter walls and to the resurfacing of tiles. The restoration focused on the interior and exterior wall facings. The floor, the churchyard floor, the area behind the church and all installations were returned to a proper state.
By Annamaria Navone
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