Church of St Maria Podone, in Milano

Piazza Borromeo, 6 20123 Milano

Masses: Eves:  17:30 pm
Holidays: 11:30 am
Visits by appointment

Restoration of the church of St. Maria Podone and of the former parsonage

The first phase of the restoration of the church of St. Maria Podone ended together with the former parsonage, both located in the central Piazza Borromeo,ended in the summer of 2005. It is one of the oldest churches in Milan, little known despite the historical importance and the close relationship with the Borromeo family, in particular with the two bishops of Milan Federico and San Carlo . The restoration works revealed important architectural and artistic elements which were only partly known before the interventions. These brought to light a Romanesque door with a Madonna with Child of '400 on the external side of the church, and, on the inner side, a lunette showing the image of a saint, probably made in Romanesque style; the northern side apse with XV century frescoes; a portion of the late medieval bell tower; a wooden door probably from 1570, and portions of Romanesque walls of the fifteenth-century in the former parsonage,  in addition to the eighteenth-century wooden ceilings decorated with paintings.

By Guido Maria Premoli