Church of St. Stefano in Vimercate (MB)

Via Santa Marta, 24 20059 Vimercate (MB)

Eve: 18.00  
Non working days: 8:00 -10:00 - 11:30 -18:00
Working days: 7.00 - 8:30 - 18:00
Phone 039.668122 -

Conservative restoration of the crypt and of the roofs of the church of St. Stefano in Vimercate

The restoration works were carried out in two distinct phases: the crypt and the roofs. The restoration of the crypt proved to be quite complex because of the multiplicity of issues that have been addressed.
A specific attention was paid to the following interventions: treatment of the stuccoes, trying to enhance the modeling;  interventions on “buon fresco” paintings;  the recovery of the extensively damaged tiled floor; the restoration of the access stairs, for which the foot traffic evidences were maintained, and finally the lighting system with a reversible solution able to light the place in a diffuse manner. The second phase involved the restoration of roofs, starting from the need of securing the building, preserving the valuable decorated surfaces of the interiors from further possible infiltration of rainwater.

By Gaetano Arricobene