Covered road of Ghirlanda, Sforza Castle in Milan

Piazza Castello 20121 Milano

Opening hours (Mon-Sun): 07.00/18.00 (winter time) 07.00/19.00 (summer time). Free admission (excluding the Castle Museum).

Phone: 02 88463700

Recovery of the covered road of Ghirlanda 

The covered road of Ghirlanda, also called the "Ghirlanda Gallery," is an underground path consisting of a vaulted tunnel parallel to the outer part of the counterscarp of the ditch: it became the first defense of the Sforza Castle rectangle.
The path is accessible from the Rivellino (Independent fortress) of Santo Spirito, and from the entrance facing Lanza Street: it takes light towards the ditch, from a hundred of double recessed windows, placed at regular intervals towards the ditch itself.
The path is entirely made of masonry and brick arches, with stone inserts and segments in rare strain, while the dirt path, shows small portions of the original tile floor.

By Massimiliano de Adamich

See also

Sforza Castle  >>

Ducal court and Rocchetta courtyard >>

Former Hospital - Exterior >>

Former Hospital - Interior  >>

Rivellinoof Santo Spirito   >>