Former Convent of St. Domenico in Lodi

Via Fanfulla, 14 26900 Lodi

Province of Lodi
Tel 0371 442.1
Fax 0371 416027
Guided tours by appointment

Restoration works and functional recovery

The restoration works that took place from 2004 to 2009 were rather problematic due to the various changes made in the course of time on the different parts of the architectural complex. A first phase of investigation led to the discovery of some architectural and artistic elements that, sometimes, imposed design changes.
Restoration works - in view of the transformation of the spaces into the new Province of Lodi’s headquarters - aimed at achieving the following results: structural consolidation of the building; recovery of lime-based plasters as well as replacement of cement plasters and  recuperation of the wooden floors. For what technical installations are concerned, the innovative project uses ground water for heating and cooling the rooms, whereas the electrical system can be managed through BUS system.

By Stefania Rozza

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