Former Hospital – Interior, Sforza Castle in MIlano

Piazza Castello 20121 Milano

Opening hours (Mon-Sun): 07.00/18.00 (winter time) 07.00/19.00 (summer time).

Free admission (excluding the Castle Museum). Phone: 02 88463700


Preservation and reuse of the Ancient "Hospital", preliminary design

Following an upgrading of the installation system, the floor and the complete wall decoration of the former Spanish infirmary - built in 1576 for the shelter of the castle residents infected by plague – were discovered. The sick were put under the protection of the Mighty Men of Spain and of the Royal House, whose emblems stand out on the interior walls of the room, relying on the Church’s and God’s powers: the cross vaults bring garlands with the Apostles, and scrolls carrying the Christian article of faith. The side walls were decorated with fake architecture. The patients were assisted by the liturgical offices officiated at the altar, from which the sacred stone emerged, and by the service staff who watched from an opening panoptic still visible on the royal emblem side. The exceptional findings relating to the castle life during the Spanish period led to a project to adapt the space to a conference room. The conservation of the frescoes and of the environment will also entail an upgrading of the installation system.

By Carlo Catacchio

See also

Sforza Castle >>

Ducal court and Rocchetta courtyard >>

Former Hospital - Exterior  >>

Rivellino of Santo Spirito  >>

Covered roadof Ghirlanda  >>