Frescoes, Medici Castle in Melegnano (MI)

Piazza Vittoria, 11 20077 Melegnano (MI)

Saturday: 14:30 to 17:30
Sunday: 15:00 to 19:00
Tel: 02 9838397

Restoration works

The decorations that fully cover the rooms on the first floor of the castle, offer an important and valuable view of the art schools operating around the sixteenth century in Lombardy, as part of the so-called Manierismo Lombardo. The entire decoration system has been designed with the fresco technique, complemented by numerous “fresco-secco” paintings. Over the centuries, due to infiltrations of rainwater from the roof, and improper use of the frescoed rooms, the fresco cycle has been subjected to a general degradation that affected many areas, particularly on the walls towards the outside of the building, and in the lower area of the rooms to a height of one meter and a half.

By Paola Zanolini

See also

Medici Castle in Melegnano  >>

Central body  >>

Eastern Wing  >>