Visconti Castle in Abbiategrasso (MI)

Piazza Castello 20089 Abbiategrasso (MI)

Opening hours:
Every day 09:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 7:00 pm
Wed / Sat from 14.00 to 19.00
Phone 02 94692453 (Office of Culture)

Restoration works

The interventions carried out on the masonry allowed the consolidation of the masonry structures and the elimination of humidity in the interior and in the perimeter walls (1999-2000). At a later stage, the completion of the recovery with the arrangement of spaces in the basements was necessary, as well as the those of the courtyard and of the fourteenth century arche, also facing  the unresolved problem relating to the relationship between the building and outside areas.

Areas of intervention 

Restoration of the walls  >>

Completion of the restoration and redevelopment of the adjacent spaces  >>