Visconti Castle of Cassano d'Adda (MI)

Piazza Perrucchetti, 20062 Cassano d’Adda (Mi)

Opening hours: work in progress
Phone 0363.62276
(Dr. Arch. Valerio Giovanni Laboni)

Restorationof masonry

The project involved the consolidation and full reconditioning of the architectural and interior spaces in order to add new features to give back to society a monument in all its vitality and its original architectural spaces, eliminating all superfluous interventions made during nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Careful cleaning of the walls with the systematic elimination of layers of cement plaster was carried out; the wall texture was recovered with recycled materials and the patchwork as well, with a suitable breathable lime-based plaster with a great respect for techniques, consistency of layers, color, etc. to avoid altering the character of the existing plaster.

By Valerio Giovanni Laboni