Former Soave Hospital at Codogno (LO)

Viale Luigi Gandolfi 6, 26845 Codogno (LO)

Phone 0377 32806

Restoration and preservation of the façades of the former Soave Hospital 

The former Soave Hospital,  neo-classic building  whose construction started in 1778 and listed building owned by the Municipality of Codogno (Lodi), underwent several restoration actions and changes in the last 20 years that led to  its designation as a multifunctional Cultural and Exhibition Centre - acquiring the role of cultural heart of  the Lower Lodi district.
The building history represented a copious  source of  documents and information essential for the preservation procedures on the main façade.
Due to the historical importance of the building, works were carried out following different intervention cycles that took into consideration the type of decay and the nature of materials involved.
This mapping facilitated  the site operations enable the workforce to check the various phases of each cycle at any time.
The works aimed at recovering most of the original elements, witnesses of the past to be transmitted thanks to “soft” and non invasive means.

By Samuele Arrighi

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