The façades of Ca’ Granda - The University of Milan

Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 Milano

Restoration of the façades of Ca’ Granda on Via Festa del Perdono and Via San Lazaro

Thanks to the pilot job site opened in 2009, the knowledge of materials, of the decay conditions and of the status of previous interventions was deepened thus directing the restoration operations.
The preliminary tests determined all technologies, procedures, equipments, products and materials suitable to face the required interventions in compliance with the historical identity of the buildings.
Design choices privileged procedures able to maintain the distinguishing features of the whole architectural complex.
The restoration works aimed at totally complying with the characteristics of the buildings, by removing only the decay factors or what could be vehicle for further decline.

By Rebecca Fant
Pictures by Rebecca Fant

See also:

Granda Hospital, The University of Milan  >>

Icebox"  courtyard >>

"Pharmacy" backyard   >>

Courtyards of the "Hospital of the poor"  >>

Ca 'Granda façades >>

Richini’s Courtyard >>

Facciate Ca' Granda - interventi