Medici Castle in Melegnano

Piazza Vittoria, 11 20077 Melegnano (MI)

Saturday: 14:30 to 17:30
Sunday: 15:00 to 19:00

Tel: 02 9838397

Restoration works

The project to restore the façades of the eastern wing of Medici castle in Melegnano, under the responsibility of the Province of Milan, welcomes the principles of conservation, and integrates the transmissibility of the architectural heritage thanks to a series of measures to arrest the process of decay limited to the degraded parts. The restoration of the central body of the castle, carried out by the City of Melegnano, shows three interesting interventions: a new loft in the Retirement Village hosted on the ground floor (replacing the municipal library expected in a first time), a new glass elevator, and a guided tour in the attic.

See also

Central body  >>

Eastern Wing  >>

Frescoes >>