Palazzo Reale (The Royal Palace of Milan) – III phase

Piazza Duomo 12 20122 Milano

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Restoration works in Palazzo Reale – III phase (2003-2009)

Palazzo Reale - besides being one of the most valuable buildings of the town - has always been considered as the major exhibition venue by both citizens and tourists willing to attend important international exhibits.
Restoration interventions between 2003 and 2009 involved about 12,000 square metres of surfaces, in addition to façades, for a total amount of 21 million Euros. These last works affected the so called  “Sale dell’Appartamento di Riserva” (Reserved apartment rooms), the completion of the exhibit itinerary of the Palace with renovated spaces for big exhibitions,  and the rooms now belonging to CIMAC (Civic Museum of Contemporary Art) and to its document library.
The entire eastern wing of the Palace, whose spaces decorated by marmorino stuccoes and ceiling paintings are now used as boardrooms, has been renovated.  The same wing hosts the new Auditorium, with seating for 200 people, besides offices, meeting rooms, archives and storeshouses. Restoration works finally  affected all exterior surfaces and internal courtyards.

By Maurizio Pecile

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See also

Palazzo Reale
Palazzo Reale – II phase