Palazzo Reale (The Royal Palace of Milan) – II phase

Piazza del Duomo 12 20122 Milano

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Restoration works and adaptation of spaces for Contemporary Art Gallery (II phase). Restoration of halls on the main floor and of “Scalone d’onore” (Staircase of Honor) – 1998-2001.

The massive damages suffered during II World War, entailing the loss of roof coverings, allowed run-off rain water degradation that during three years severely affected interior decorations and moulded parts. After roofing refurbishment, neither decoration maintenance nor humidity or ventilation controls were carried out thus causing condensation. In addition to this, inadequate maintenance works for the new intended use of the halls as exhibition spaces (such as painting works, installation of technical equipments requiring consolidation of the existing damaged structures) broke the already compromised surface evenness.
Between March 1998 and March 2001 contractors Cooperativa per il Restauro S.C.p.A. and Astarte Conservazione e Restauro S.r.l. carried out preservation interventions of hall decorations on the main floor: among them, we have to mention the “Sala delle Cariatidi” (Caryatids Hall) and the “Scalone d’onore” (Staircase of Honor).

By Simonetta Offredi and Raffaella Silari
Pictures by Mauro Ranzani

See also

Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale – III phase