Cornaggia Medici Palace at Cassano d’Adda (MI)

Municipio di Cassano d'Adda Piazza Matteotti 1 20062 Cassano D'adda Milano (MI)

Restoration and redevelopment of Cornaggia Medici Palace 

The Palace located at Cassano d’Adda underwent restoration and rearrangement interventions -  both from a functional and layout point of view – to become  the new town hall.
The  building is a historical residence dating back to 1780 whose design is attributed to Paolo Bianchi as well  as  the churches of St. Maria Immacolata and St. Zeno, in the centre of Cassano d’Adda, near the  perhaps more famous Villa Borromeo.
It is a two-storey masonry edifice, with “U” plan and some rooms in the basement;  the portico shows segmental arches and coupled columns in the centre.  In the 70’s and in the 80’s the western and eastern wings were already affected by major interventions, whereas the central part was less involved.
The project tried to meet the functional needs of administrative Headquarters integrated in a historical residence respecting its original characteristics.

By Alessandra Chiapparini
Pictures:  IMG Srl