Left wing, Church of St. Maria delle Grazie

Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2 (Corso Magenta) 20123 Milano

Opening hours:
07:30 to 12:15 / 15:30 to 21:00;
07:00 to 12:00 / 15:00 to 19:00 (July, August)
Info Phone 02 89421146

Conservative restoration of the Dominican Saints - left wing of St. Maria delle Grazie

Interventions involved the figures of four Dominican Saints by Bernardino Butinone, on the left wing of the Church of St. Maria delle Grazie in Milan: since the beginning it was clear that the different restoration works stratified on these ancient paintings (1482-1485) over the years, partially hidden and concealed, and partiallyly modified, had to be identified. After a careful preliminary analysis evaluating the degradation status,  we tried to make use of all this information in order to identify the different historical phases following a line of good conservation procedures, and eliminating only the harmful layers.

By Paola Villa

See also

St. Maria delle Grazie  >>

The Small Sacristy  >>

Bramante’s podium  >>