Small sacristy, St. Maria delle Grazie in Milan

Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2 (Corso Magenta) 20122 Milano

Opening hours:
07:30 to 12:15 / 15:30 to 21:00;
07:00 to 12:00 / 15:00 to 19:00 (July, August)
Info: Phone 02 89421146

Conservative restoration 

Between the presbytery area of the Podium of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and Bramante’s cloiser, there is a room, conventionally called  "Room of the bell tower," as it communicates with the base of the bell tower.
The room was used as a warehouse for many years and, therefore, remained unknown to most people. The walls are painted with motifs and figures of saints. Stratigraphic and diagnostic evaluations,  and restoration works carried out in 2006 provided interesting information about decorations and sculptures, and especially revealed precious paintings.

 By Paola Villa

See also

St. Maria delle Grazie  >>

Left wing >>

Bramante’s podium >>