Clerici Palace – Apartment on the noble floor towards Corte delle Rimesse (Court of the warehouses)

Via Clerici, 5 20121 Milano

Guided tours: by appointment only - Tel. 02 863313271

Restoration works on stucco decorations of the Chinese Restroom, also known as Maria Theresa of Austria’s boudoir

The first restoration interventions were carried out in 2004 in the President’s (or Ganimede’s) Room, characterized by the splendour of its interiors, aiming at recuperating the frescoes andgolden stuccoes of the Cremonese painter A. Borroni (1684-1772) – from Castellino’s school – as well as the doors and the wooden shutters of the same period with gold inlays.
A second series of works were executed in the small room known as the Chinese Restroom (as described in 1771 inventories) or later – after the Grand Duke of Austria’s enthronement 1771-1778 - referred to as “magnificently equipped restroom”, up to the present imaginative denomination of Maria Theresa of Austria’s boudoir.
The third phase, completed only for what restoration of vault paintings is concerned, affected in 2009 the Winds Hall, which quarters were frescoed by Mattia Bortoloni and Francesco Palazzi Riva.

By Paola Villa

See also

Clerici Palace  >>

The Honor Court and the Vestibule  >>