Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte (Villa Reale – “The Royal Villa”) in Milan

Modern Art Gallery of Milan Via Palestro, 16 20121 Milano

Tel 02 88 44 59 47
Fax +39 02 88 44 59 51
E mail

Visits: Tuesday – Sunday
9:00/13:00 – 14:00/17:30


Restoration of  façades, of sculptures, and of high relieves and entrance halls started in 2002. As usual, the works started with a series of stratigraphic evaluations and laboratory analysis such as microstratigraphies, and mineral-petrographies.
Restoration works between 2005-2007 aimed to preserve all decorations and decorated surfaces inside Villa Reale damaged by seepages, inadequate previous interventions and several changes in the end use of some areas. 

See also

Exteriors  >>
Interiors  >>