Exteriors of Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte (Villa Reale – “The Royal Villa”) in Milan

Modern Art Gallery of Milan Via Palestro, 16 20121 Milano

Tel 02 88 44 59 47
Fax +39 02 88 44 59 51
E mail c.villareale@comune.milano.it

Visits: Tuesday – Sunday
9:00/13:00 – 14:00/17:30

Restoration of façades, of sculptures, and of high relieves and entrance halls

The jobsite started on November 25th,2002. As usual, the works started with a series of stratigraphic evaluations and laboratory analysis such as microstratigraphies, and mineral-petrographies. Plaster recovery and consolidation follow, while severely damaged mortars are removed.
Sculptures were stabilized and the missing parts were reconstructed thanks to a special mortar.
For what high relieves are concerned, the frieze under eave with garlands and ox skulls, and the 36 high relieves on the façades of the central body were strengthened, reintegrating the missing portions and levelling them by means of glazings.
In the entrance halls the most recent coatings were removed and integrations of the older paintings were carried out on the basis of the stratigraphic surveys.
The restoration jobsite ended in March 2006.

By Adriano Vignando

See also

Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte (Villa Reale – “The Royal Villa”)  >>
Exteriors  >>